Friday, February 24, 2012

One Month Later.....

OK, so an amazing number of pounds has not dropped off...the total for the month is 8 -- and I had that in the first two weeks. Now, it's a yo-yo of 3-5 pounds down, up, down, up. Be clear: I haven't tracked nor have I gone onto the WW site and read anything. I commit to getting on that again, starting tomorrow.

But here's the success:
On January 27, I bought a one-month unlimited yoga pass. Of the total number of days -- which is something like 28 -- I have gone to 20 classes. It's a boondoggle. I am lit up with the yoga, again. Great workout, great for balance, concentration, focus, the idea of being athletic. Ultimately, I think it will help me to carve and sculpt. But the main reason is that it is a wonderful moving meditation.

So I'm putting that in my success count. This coming month, it will be about both the yoga and the eating plan. Together, I think we'll see some good results come March 24.